Since his foundation Winet Srl introduced many wireless sensor networks to the agricultural field. Among his customers it can list “Apofruit”, a big company based in Cesena.
The installations show how a punctual monitoring of fundamental farming parameters is basic to get a quality product. This allows saving the extra costs connected with an incomplete knowledge of the aspects mentioned above.
Wi-Farming is one of the most complete, performing and cost-effective solution for precision farming you can currently find on the market.
Supervision and alert systems
are provided in real time in order to carry out preventing interventions
Any critical microclimatic condition is signaled
in order to prevent any kind of stress for plants (e.g. frost)
Microclimate control actions
are made in order to manage greenhouses
Prompt and customized responses
are given for each farmer and his own farmland
Hydrogeological instability is commonly widespread and represents a very important problem since it has often caused the loss of human lives and severely damaged goods.
The innovative wireless monitoring system offered by Winet Srl allows to adopt forecast and prevention strategies based on the accurate sensors monitoring and drastically reduce damages repair service.
In order to reduce to the minimum workers’ permanence in areas at risk it is fundamental to use systems which allow remote measurement and monitoring in real time and cut installation and maintenance time.
Wi-Geo is one of the most complete, performing and cost-effective solution for buildings, landslides and rivers watermark monitoring you can currently find on the market.
Supervision and alert systems are provided in real time
in order to carry out preventing interventions
Hydrogeological instability evolutions and risks are evaluated in real time
in order to allow an appropriate plan of action
Workers have the chance to reduce their standing time on risk areas
thanks to a quick installation
The system maintenance is minimized
thanks to sophisticated low consumptions algorithms which allow a long life duration with a battery supply
Prompt and customized responses
are given, referring to the supervised area
Le installazioni effettuate hanno mostrato come la rilevazione puntuale di parametri sia di fondamentale importanza nell’ottenere un prodotto di qualità, riducendo i costi dovuti alla conoscenza sommaria di tali aspetti.
Costante valutazione del microclima
Necessario per le diverse tipologie di colture
Rilevazione d’irrigazione e dello stato delle piante
Per la rilevazione della quantità di luce fornita